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Injury Prevention

Hockey Injury Prevention

Sports Tips for Parents: Ice hockey is a finesse sport that requires a unique combination of speed, power, and teamwork. As a result, players are at risk for specific injury patterns—some of them avoidable.

Massachusetts Hockey Concussion Cards:

These wallet sized cards have been given to the associate registrars and board of directors in Massachusetts. Coaches should be receiving these cards in the through out this fall. If you would like a concussion card and haven't received them, please email us.

Massachusetts Hockey

Massachusetts Hockey


Heads Up Don't Duck - Video

Attached is a link to a new USA Hockey video called ‘Heads Up Don’t Duck’. This is an updated short video about a very critical technique that can help prevent broken necks & possibly paralysis. Please take the time to sit down with your player and watch the video and then discuss the concept in detail so that they fully understand how best to protect themselves from potentially serious injury. Last but not least, the video includes some very basic exercises to strengthen the neck muscles – THIS IS IMPORTANT - please encourage your player to do these exercises regularly to help assure their opportunity to enjoy the game as safely as possible.